
I was surprised to see there were actually two bucks in the small deer herd in the backyard.  They were not particularly antagonistic toward one another and not really exhibiting real aggression.  Their behavior was more like the shoving matches of two brothers.

white-tailed bucks facing off

white-tailed bucks facing off

white-tailed bucks facing off

white-tailed bucks facing off

They both seem a little under-developed as bucks go, so perhaps they are just yearlings. Lack of aggression may mean the rut is mostly over, with male hormones waning, or perhaps these two are siblings and recognize each other. In any case, this face-off didn’t amount to much.

4 thoughts on “Face-off

  1. Sibling rivalry? I really like your shots of the two young bucks, which seem to be pretty young. I have brothers, so I recognize that kind of roughhousing, which can be a form of greeting.

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